Full HD video / stereo sound, 9 min.
This audiovisual work investigates the visual, aural, performative and historical connections amongst the writings of Mexican author José Revueltas on the formation of the Paricutín volcano in the 1940s–in the P’urhépecha region of Michoacán–and the traditional P’urhépecha ballgame zapandukua, which is played with a ball on fire. Furia sin enemigo is a politically charged work that ignites an apparently anachronic analogy between the volcano’s violent birth and Mexico’s history and present, by using artisanal fabrication techniques and pyrotechnics to craft an ephemeral event for the cameras.
Comissioned for the exhibition “Eje neovolcánico. Aproximaciones artísticas al paisaje ígneo” curated by Daniel Garza Usabiaga and Paulina Ascencio at the Museum of Modern Art in Mexico City.
Direction, production, cinematography and original idea: Adela Goldbard
Pyrotechnic effects: Emmanuel Reyes (Pireemar Pyrotechnics) & Roberto Sánchez (Pyromartin FX)
Construction of reed structure: Amauri & Jesús Sanabria (Artsumex Collective)
Camaras: Vito Amaro, Silvestre García & Adela Goldbard
Direct Sound: Sebastián Rico & Uriel López
Editing: Sebastián Rico, Israel Santamaría & Adela Goldbard
Sound design & post-production: Sebastián Rico
Original music: Weyes
Texts: José Revueltas, “Visión del Paricutín,” 1943